1、 What is external circulation and what is internal circulation?
1. External circulation: Supplement fresh air
The external circulation state is to use the fan to suck the air outside the vehicle into the vehicle, that is to say, the air passages outside the vehicle and inside the vehicle are in circulation, and the wind from the fan comes from outside the vehicle. Even if the fan is not turned on, the air flow is still sucked into the vehicle during driving to supplement the fresh air in the vehicle. Sometimes I think there is still wind when the fan is turned off, because the owner has set up external circulation. In the case of traffic congestion in the city, the car will be full of tail smell, which is caused by the use of external circulation.
2、内循环:阻隔污浊空气The internal circulation state is that the air flow channels inside and outside the vehicle are closed, and there is no air circulation without turning on the fan. When turning on the fan, the air inhaled only comes from the vehicle, forming the air circulation inside the vehicle. Internal circulation is mainly to timely and effectively prevent external dust and harmful gases from entering the vehicle, such as the harmful exhaust emitted by the front vehicle when driving through the smoke, dust and odor area or when the vehicle is dense and compact. Another function is to keep warm.
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